A Set Apart Podcast Series with Leslie ludy:
Experiencing the Extraordinary Reality of Jesus
Knowing Jesus is an endless frontier of discovery. Together, let’s pull up our tent stakes and explore the depths of all that He is and all that He wants to be in our daily lives.
Series Intro:
He Is: Experiencing the Extraordinary Reality of Jesus
In this episode, Leslie casts an inspiring vision for knowing Jesus as so much more than our Savior or even our Lord — knowing Jesus as the One who can truly meet our every need, even when others fail us. Leslie reminds us that knowing Jesus is an endless frontier of discovery. This message freshly challenges us to pull up our tent stakes and explore the depths of all that He is and all that He wants to be in our daily lives.
Part One:
He Is: Knowing Jesus as My Peace
This week Leslie dives into her new series with a powerful episode on making Jesus our Peace. Scripture says that the peace Jesus gives “surpasses all understanding”, which means that His peace is far more powerful than “all human thought, reasoning, and understanding.” His peace is stronger than our emotions, thoughts, circumstances or any lies the enemy may whisper to us. That is why Christians throughout history have been able to face extreme situations and remain supernaturally peaceful through it all – because they chose to make Jesus Christ their Prince of Peace. As Leslie reminds us in this episode, even when fear and uncertainty swirl around us, we can have perfect peace in any storm when we remain in Christ.
Part Two:
He Is: Knowing Jesus as My Hope
Leslie continues the He Is series this week by unpacking the reality that Jesus is our Hope. Even though the enemy often tries to discourage us with dismal pictures of what lies ahead, in Christ we always have a hope and a future. In this episode Leslie offers three lesser known but extremely effective ways to make Jesus is our Hope on a daily basis. This encouraging episode reminds us that with Him there is always a reason to smile at the future.
Part Three:
He Is: Knowing Jesus as My Friend
Leslie unpacks a beautiful attribute of Jesus – He is our Friend. We don’t often think of Jesus as a close trusted Friend, and yet that is the kind of relationship He desires with us. It is truly awe-inspiring to realize that even though He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, He delights to enter into personal, intimate, daily fellowship with us. In this episode, Leslie offers key practical ways to begin cultivating a thriving friendship with Jesus Christ and truly step into the reality that He is our Friend.
Part Four:
He Is: Knowing Jesus as My Victory – 1 of 2
Leslie continues the He Is series this week with an encouraging and life-giving message on finding victory and triumph in all situations through Christ. Though modern voices often insist that victorious Christianity is not possible, the Bible makes it clear that we are called to be “more than conquerors” over every difficult circumstance we face. Whether it’s walking in victory over the controlling power of sin, the oppression of the enemy, or difficult and discouraging circumstances, this episode shows us Biblically how we can experience real triumph through the power of Jesus Christ.
Part One:
He Is