The Set Apart Team
Meet the Women Behind the Resources of Set Apart Ministries

Leslie Ludy
Founder & Director
Leslie has spoken to hundreds of thousands of women over the past twenty years. Her core message of complete surrender to Christ in every area of life has inspired today’s Christian women to exchange mediocrity for a thriving spiritual life that impacts others for the glory of God. Leslie is the director of Set Apart Ministries and founder of the Set Apart Magazine — which inspires women of all ages toward Christ-centered femininity. She and her husband Eric live in Colorado with their six children.
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Annie Wesche
Creative Director & Writer
Annie has served in ministry with Eric and Leslie Ludy for over 18 years, starting out as “Annie the Nanny” to the Ludy children and eventually growing into her current role as Creative Director of Set Apart Ministries. She’s also the hands and heart behind the design of our quarterly Set Apart Magazine. A warm and engaging story teller, Annie has spoken at many of our annual Set Apart Conferences and delights in sharing testimonies of God’s faithfulness and enabling grace through her regular With Love Column.

Click a line below to Get to know Annie:
Born and raised in the beautiful state of Idaho, I got my height and sense of humor from my dad, and a love for people from my mum. Both of them modeled for me a living faith, reverence for the Word, faithfulness in prayer, and true joy in the Lord. I had a love for God from a very young age, but it was around the age of 13 when I surrendered my life to Christ and gained a desire to be set apart for Him. I was homeschooled throughout high school and then attended Capernwray Bible School in England. In 2005, I moved to Colorado to serve alongside Eric and Leslie, and the years since have held adventures and growth far greater than I could have imagined. One such adventure was living in Haiti for 29 months as a foster mum to Rees and Lily Ludy during their adoption process. In 2018, our family walked through my mum’s valiant cancer battle and then witnessed her precious departure from this world into the presence of her beloved Savior. I currently live back home in Idaho, working remotely for Set Apart Ministries and treasuring this season with my dear father.
I Thessalonians 5:24, “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” Many times I have faced assignments, opportunities, or seasons where I felt greatly inadequate, unqualified, weak, or afraid. But trusting the promise of the Lord’s faithfulness and provision, I have found in Him enabling grace, strength, help, courage, love, and joy. I long to always hold to this promise, looking not to my own ability or supply, but His — and in so doing, know and love Him more and point others to His goodness and glory!
Renewing getaways to the Oregon Coast, day-hikes with friends, enjoying God’s creation, long prayer walks, good conversation and laughter with my Dad, making my way through a soul-shaping book, rescue or adoption stories, freshly organized spaces, sliced peaches in summer, baked apples in winter, sitting under starry skies, Sunday afternoon naps, and sharing stories of the faithfulness of God.
Mandy Saeler
Content Curator & Writer
Mandy has been working with Set Apart Ministries since 2011, and no matter what she takes on, it is done with a passion for beauty, excellence, and eternal impact. She has a gift for using beautiful imagery through her words and presenting life-shaping truth, which she shares in our Set Apart Magazine. Mandy lives in Pennsylvania where one of her greatest joys is being auntie to her darling niece and nephews!

Click a line below to Get to know Mandy:
The rolling green hills of the Western Pennsylvania countryside were the landscape of my growing-up years. The land is lush, the insects are plentiful, the wildflowers blossom endlessly April through October, the culture is curiously southern-ish, and somehow it’s charming in its own special way. For nearly a decade I was blessed to name gorgeous Colorado my home as I served in full-time ministry — a cherished season of life that I will forever remember with deep gratitude and joy! And now, I call those old green hills home again, where loving Jesus and making Him known is my mission amid the ordinary rhythms of life in the workforce. I believe that the moments and days of our lives are laced with eternal significance, which dawns beautiful purpose and meaning in even the seemingly ordinary things. Take heart, believer, a life lived unto Jesus is one where everything is sacred.
Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Embracing and understanding this reality as my soul’s own was life-changing for me as a young woman. This newness of life and love and triumph in Jesus is the most refreshing, undeserved, and beautiful gift a soul could receive — the Gospel!
Sunny summer days, time spent soaking in nature, and a bowl of sweet, organic raspberries! Life can be so full at times; I find myself increasingly cherishing unhurried time to live a little more slowly and enjoy the special people in my life! Sometimes it looks like a morning of hooking gullible blue gills with my nephews, venturing to the lake for an afternoon of kayaking in the quiet, or gathering ’round a fire on a summer’s eve with loved ones and laughter. It’s the simple things … but I also thoroughly enjoy the special things! It’s no secret that I love the occasions to dress up, put on a spread (or go out), and celebrate from the heart this gift of life!
Contributors to Set Apart Magazine

Heather Cofer
Contributing Writer
Heather is a supportive and thoughtful friend who overflows with enthusiasm, encouragement, and hospitality! A long-time contributing writer for Set Apart Magazine, she’s also the author of Expectant, a deeply impactful and life-giving book about Christ-centered pregnancy. She and her husband Judah live in Colorado with their five lively, sweet kiddos — Jude, Jenesis, Jeneva, Javan, and Jack.
Jasmin Howell
Contributing Writer
Jasmin is a delightful conversationalist who is beautifully gifted at building meaningful connections with those around her! Her candid and uplifting articles make a beautiful addition to Set Apart Magazine. She and her husband Mike live in Alberta, Canada with their two delightful boys, Declan and Charlie.

Sarah Mockler
Contributing Writer
Sarah is one of the most warm-hearted people you will ever meet, and her generosity and steadfast givenness to Christ has blessed our ministry time and time again! As a contributing writer to Set Apart Magazine, her articles are filled with winsome warmth, spiritual passion, and Biblical truth. A New England girl at heart, she and her husband Nate currently enjoy living in Colorado.

Grace McConnaughey
Editorial & Web Support, Guest Contributor
Grace has faithfully served in many capacities for both Ellerslie Discipleship and Set Apart Ministries. We’re blessed by her heart for excellence and beauty as she serves through editorial and administrative support! Grace has an extraordinary ability for maintaining a sense of humor and a heavenly perspective, even in the midst of great difficulty. She currently splits her time between Colorado and Belize.