A Set Apart Podcast Series with Leslie ludy:
Most Asked Questions
In this candid and encouraging series, Leslie shares practical, Biblical insights to commonly asked questions about set-apart living, prayer, intimacy with Christ, relationships, and more.
Question One:
Why hasn't God answered my prayer?
Leslie shares five key reasons why it may seem that God is not hearing or answering our prayers. This message is a refreshing reminder of what true prayer is and offers rich encouragement to anyone who is looking for more purpose and power in their prayer life.
Question Two:
How can I overcome low self esteem?
In Scripture, we see the answer to both questions reflected in the life of John the Baptist who said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Leslie offers key principles for exchanging concern over what others think for the desire that others would see Christ in and through our lives. In this episode, she also unpacks key Biblical truths that can help us combat the lies of the enemy when he attacks us in the area of insecurity and self-esteem.
Question Three:
How can I handle emotions in a Biblical way?
In a world that constantly promotes “following your heart”, how do we handle our emotions in a truly Biblical and God-honoring way? Leslie tackles that challenge in this episode of her Most Asked Questions series. In this week’s message, she unpacks what it means to be led by Truth vs. feelings. When our feelings will no longer dictate our thoughts, decisions, and daily actions, we can truly be led by God’s Spirit instead of our own emotions.
Question Four:
How do I balance family and ministry?
Is it possible to be healthy and balanced in both family and ministry? While ministry is a wonderful way to showcase Christ’s love to others, the enemy can often use our good intentions to serve others as bait for stress, chaos and overcommitment. Many Christians who start enthusiastically in ministry end up in a place of burn out and disillusionment as time goes on. In this episode, Leslie draws from her own ministry experience to share key Biblical principles that can help us approach ministry in a healthy and Christ-centered way. She offers insights into how to balance ministry with other responsibilities such as family relationships, and gives practical suggestions for avoiding ministry burnout. This episode casts a vision for ministry that goes the distance.
Question Five:
How should I handle manipulative people?
Many women struggle with feeling controlled or strongly influenced by manipulative friendships, and it can be confusing to know how to respond to this challenge in a healthy and Christ-centered way. As Christians, we are to be controlled only by the Spirit of God, rather than by human manipulation. In this episode, Leslie shares three Biblical keys to becoming set free from manipulation. If you have struggled with being manipulated, you will be amazed and the freedom and joy you find once you allow God to remove the unhealthy control of others over your life, so that you can make yourself completely and fully available to Him.
Question Six:
Why do women's ministries seem shallow?
In this episode, Leslie unpacks some of the key reasons why many Christian leaders are choosing an easy, watered-down Gospel when it comes to women’s ministry, and shows us how our own passionate pursuit of Jesus Christ can have a positive impact upon this modern-day trend. It won’t be chick flicks, spa parties, or shallow feel-good messages that will change a woman’s life and awaken her heart to the Gospel. It will be the pure, uncompromising, timeless Truth of Jesus Christ. This episode reminds us not to settle for shallow when it comes to our spiritual lives, and offers practical ways we can influence the women around us to go after more of Jesus.
Question Seven:
How Do I Overcome Fear?
By unpacking the promises of Psalm 91, Leslie gives us a fresh vision of what a mighty God we serve, and His desire to show Himself strong on our behalf. Leslie shares Biblical principles that can help us learn to abide under the shadow of the Almighty and take refuge in the shelter of His wings in whatever situation we are facing, big or small. As this episode reminds us, God’s eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth, ready to show Himself strong on behalf of those who will dare to trust Him.
Question Eight:
How can I learn to really pray?
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions with a powerful and refreshing look at understanding real prayer. Offering encouragement for those who have struggled to find a vibrant prayer life, Leslie provides practical keys that can help you take your praying from mundane and weak to powerful and effective. This episode reminds us of the importance and life-changing impact of true prayer, as well as equips us with real-life solutions to strengthen our praying in the midst of our busy and distracting world.
Question Nine:
How Can I Know God's Will For My Life?
It might seem hard to discern what God’s specific calling on our lives. Am I called to be married or single? Am I called to be a missionary? Am I called to have a career? Am I called to this specific opportunity? But as Leslie shares in this episode, we all too often we get caught up in those kinds of questions and miss the fact that all our decisions are meant to flow out of a much deeper understanding of who we are called to be – daughters of the King.
Question Ten:
How can I hear God's voice?
Many Christians assume that God isn’t interested in offering direct guidance for daily decisions, but the Bible makes it clear that we can hear, know, and follow the voice of our Shepherd. In this episode, Leslie shares two key principles that can help us learn to recognize the voice of God in our lives and cultivate a listening ear to His Spirit’s leading.
Question Eleven:
How Can I Make Biblical Decisions?
Many Christians believe that it is more spiritual to use our common sense, follow our hearts, make our own decisions, and then ask God to bless them. The idea of waiting for God’s leading before we move forward with a decision is becoming a foreign concept among modern believers. If you’ve ever been confused about what role God wants to play in your decisions or how to determine His specific will for your life, you are not alone. In this episode Leslie unpacks what Bible has to say about being directed by God in our decision-making.
Question Twelve:
How Can I Become an Effective Writer?
Whether you are writing blogs, articles, books or even just simple letters and texts, the written word is a powerful tool for communicating the life-changing Truth of the Gospel. In this episode, Leslie shares her own writing journey and offers some key Biblical principles for effective writing that she has learned through her years as a Christian author.
Question Thirteen:
How Can I Become an Effective Speaker?
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not always those who are impressive by human standards that God chooses to deliver His most important messages. As Leslie shares in this episode, if we become willing and open vessels that God can work through, He can use our words to change lives for eternity, even if we don’t feel qualified or perfectly polished. Whether you are a public speaker or simply seeking to share Truth with others in your life, this message will encourage and equip you with spiritual tools for effectively communicating Truth.
Question Fourteen:
What is True Modesty?
We often make the mistake of defining modesty only by the style of clothing someone is wearing, but as Leslie shares in this episode, modesty is far more of an outflow of someone’s heart condition than anything else. If we truly desire to showcase honor; to glorify Jesus and point eyes to Him, true modesty will be the natural outflow of our lives, not just in what we wear but in how we act, how we conduct our conversations, and how you show respect and honor to others around us. As Leslie reminds us in this message, true modesty is not dour and oppressive, but life-giving and liberating.
Question Fifteen:
Should I be content in my singleness?
Many voices in modern Christianity imply that it is not possible to be happy or fulfilled in the single years. It’s true that God designed us for relationship with others and, for most of us, He designed us for marriage. But as Leslie shares in this episode, it is not true that Jesus alone isn’t enough to fulfill us at the deepest level, even if every form of human companionship is stripped away. God has a tremendous purpose for our single years. This episode shows us that contentment in Christ is possible by His enabling grace, whether married or single, whether in plenty or in want, whether in easy circumstances or difficult ones. Even if we never experience earthly marriage, we can be completely fulfilled by our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Question Sixteen:
How Should I Handle Feelings of Rejection?
Many women struggle with feeling rejected by others. The enemy often uses these feelings of rejection to cause us to doubt God’s love for us and distract us from our calling to shine the light of Christ to this world. In this encouraging message, Leslie shares two Scriptural principles to give us Heavenly perspective when we are struggling with rejection. When we understand who we are in Christ and grasp our value to Him, we can walk in confidence and joy, even if others reject us.
Question Seventeen:
How Should I Respond to Social and Political Issues?
We often respond to cultural darkness with fear, anger or indifference. But as Leslie shares in this episode, we are called to engage with cultural issues in a Christ-like, God-honoring way, and shine Truth in the midst of a lost and dying world. We are called to go forward boldly into the battle like Esther, upheld by the mighty hand of our Defender and Deliverer. When we embrace the supernatural courage that He offers, we can become a world-changing tool in His hands — for such a time as this.
Question Eighteen:
What is a Biblical view of Purity?
Despite what many Christians assume, purity is not an oppressive obligation, but a beautiful opportunity to honor the One who gave everything for us. In this episode, Leslie unpacks Biblical answers to many of the most common questions Christian women ask about purity, and casts a vision for godly purity that is both refreshing and inspiring.
Question Nineteen,
Part One:
What is a Biblical Approach to Health?
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a two-part message on a Biblical approach to health, healing, and wellness. There is a lot of confusion in Christianity surrounding the area of health, so approaching this area in a Christ-centered way can be a challenge. In Part One of this message, Leslie unpacks three Biblical keys for responding to health issues correctly. Whether you are facing a health issue or know someone who is, these principles can offer hope, encouragement, and clarity and remind us that Jesus is both our Healer and the One who’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.
Question Nineteen,
Part Two:
What is a Biblical Approach to Health?
Even though Scripture makes it clear that “life is more than food” (Lk. 12:23), it’s all too easy to behave otherwise. Whether we fall into the trap of self-indulgence and laziness when it comes to our eating habits, or struggle with becoming preoccupied with health food and fitness, it’s all too easy to veer away from God’s pattern in how we care for our physical bodies. As Leslie shares in this episode, living a healthful lifestyle can be a wonderful way to serve our families, bring discipline into our lives, and keep our bodies strong for the things God has called us to. But it can also become a form of idolatry if we build our lives around health instead of around Christ. In this episode, Leslie shares practical Biblical principles that can help us break through the fog of confusing messages and trends, and keep our focus on Christ when it comes to the area of health and wellness in today’s world.
Question Twenty,
Part One:
How Can I Be a Faithful Christian?
In this episode, Leslie shares two powerful stories from Christian history, when ordinary men and women chose a path of faithfulness and availability to God – with world-changing outcomes. Leslie reminds us that there are no “special Christians”, only faithful Christians. Each of us has been called by God to impact the world for His glory. But we don’t need special qualifications to bear eternal fruit through our lives. We only need a heart fully surrendered to Jesus Christ, and faith in a mighty, faithful God.
Question Twenty,
Part Two:
How Can I Be a Faithful Christian?
As Christians, we often lose sight of God’s plans and purposes for us, simply because we are too preoccupied with the temporal pleasures and the distractions of this earthly life. In this episode, Leslie unpacks four practical and Biblical ways to begin fostering a heart of availability to God and a lifestyle of faithfulness, no matter where you are or what your circumstances.
Question Twenty-One:
How should I handle seasons of loneliness?
Loneliness is not God’s lifelong design for us, but seasons of loneliness are a necessary part of following the narrow way of the Cross. As Leslie reminds us in this episode, instead of seeing loneliness as a problem that needs to be avoided at all costs, we can choose to embrace it as an opportunity to grow closer to Christ than we ever thought possible. We do not serve a distant God who can’t relate to our struggles or meet our deepest needs, but the perfect fulfillment of every longing within our heart, even in seasons of loneliness.
Question Twenty-Two,
Part One:
How can I honor God with my time?
The Bible says that we are called to “redeem the time”, which means to seize each moment God has given us and use it for His glory, and not our own selfish agenda. As Leslie shares in this episode, effectively managing our time is a key way to avoid wasting our lives on temporal, meaningless things. Leslie unpacks two key principles for keeping our lives and time centered around God’s priorities, no matter what season we are in.
Question Twenty-Two,
Part Two:
How can I honor God with my time?
Living in a noisy, busy world, it’s easy to lose sight of God’s bigger picture for our lives. In this episode, Leslie outlines four key ways we can build our lives around what is most important, offering a biblical mindset toward key ares of time management, including rest, entertainment, and serving others. As Leslie reminds us, when we consecrate our time to Christ, we find a far deeper satisfaction than anything the distractions of this world can offer. We won’t need to chase after the world’s counterfeit excitement, because we will be living in a real-life adventure of world-changing Christianity.
Question Twenty-Three,
Part One:
Is it Possible to Live a No-Drama Life?
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a compelling discussion on cultivating a no-drama lifestyle. While adventure and spiritual battle go hand in hand with walking the narrow way of the Cross, God doesn’t intend us to live a life of constant crisis, chaos and drama. In this episode, Leslie offers three biblical and practical keys for responding to drama and distraction in a healthy way and building a life that is marked by peace, calm, and stability of soul.
Question Twenty-Three,
Part Two:
Is it Possible to Live a No-Drama Life?
As women, creating or getting involved in gossip and drama can be one of the primary tools the enemy uses to get our focus off Christ and remove the perfect peace that God intends us to have as daughters of the King. In this episode, Leslie offers three biblical keys to choosing a quietness and peace over unhealthy human drama, and embracing the true adventure and excitement of a God-centered life.
Question Twenty-Four,
Part One:
What if I Don't Enjoy Studying the Bible?
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with Part One of a two-part message on gaining a genuine love for studying God’s Word. As Christian women it’s easy to see Bible study as a chore or obligation, without really understanding the significance or beauty of immersing in God’s Word regularly. We often take an academic approach to Bible study, which causes it to feel tedious and dry. In this episode, Leslie unpacks three critical principles for shifting our mindset toward God’d Word, and helps us discover the joy and privilege of exploring Scripture from a relational – rather than a dutiful – motivation.
Question Twenty-Four,
Part Two:
What if I Don't Enjoy Studying the Bible?
In this episode, Leslie unpacks three key principles for gaining a true passion for the Bible and offers practical ways to bring your personal Bible study times to life. This message reminds us that diving into God’s Word for the purpose of knowing Him is one of the best ways we can spend our time and energy, and that it will always reap eternal fruit in our lives.
Question Twenty-Five:
How Can I Prepare for Marriage?
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with this practical look at preparing for marriage in a Christ-centered way. In this episode, Leslie shares key spiritual truths that help us prepare now for a strong, lasting, God-honoring future marriage. As Leslie reminds us, you don’t need to wait until you meet your future spouse to begin preparing for a love story that will stand the test of time. And even if God has called you to a lifetime of singleness, applying these principle will never be wasted, because they strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Question Twenty-Six:
How Can I Strengthen My Marriage?
While tools like marriage books and marriage conferences can be helpful, the primary way to cultivate a strong and healthy marriage is to bring Christ into the center of the relationship. In this episode, Leslie offers several practical ways to bring vibrant prayer, spiritual growth, and Christ-like character into your marriage, no matter what your specific life challenges may be. When Jesus Christ is invited to be the Guest of Honor in your marriage relationship, the result is strong and lasting unity with your spouse.
Question Twenty-Seven:
How Can I Avoid Spiritual Apathy?
This week Leslie revisits some of the most foundations truths living set apart for Christ, in this inspiring episode on overcoming spiritual apathy. In this episode, Leslie reminds us that to truly be Christ’s disciple – we must start all in for Jesus and stay all in for Jesus: No matter what happens in our lives, no matter what happens in the world around us, no matter how many temptations come against us, no matter how many disappointments we face, and no matter how misunderstood or reviled we are. In times like these, we all need to be freshly resolved to count the cost, take up our cross and follow Him. This message helps us gain a clear vision for the crucified, radically devoted, and incredibly fulfilling life He has called us to.