A Set Apart Podcast Series with Leslie ludy:
Navigating Modern Christianity
In this podcast series, Leslie helps us see modern Christianity from God’s perspective and gain His heart toward today’s wayward believers. Leslie shows us from a biblical perspective that there is hope for the modern Church, and it’s found in Jesus Christ. Instead of immediately responding with disgust and criticism, we are called to respond with prayer, humility, and hope. This series will challenge us all toward a mindset that says, “Lord, send a revival, and let it begin with me.”
The first 5 episodes from this series were not filmed in the studio but you can listen on the podcast:
Part One: Gaining God’s Heart for the Modern Church
Part Two: What’s Missing in Modern Christianity?
Part Three: Recognizing Subtle Lies
Part Four: The Dangers of Spiritual Pride
Part Five: Post-Modern Christianity
Part Six:
Keys to Healthy Community, Part One
Community is a trendy concept in the modern Church, but there are many unhealthy versions of community among today’s believers. In this episode, Leslie unpacks several warning signs of unhealthy community and contrasts them with the key Biblical principles that undergird every truly Christ-centered Christian community. If you are part of any kind of Christian group, or long for healthy Christian fellowship, this episode will strengthen and equip you to recognize and build community according to a Biblical pattern.
Part Seven:
Keys to Healthy Community, Part Two
In this episode, Leslie unpacks five principles that hallmark a truly healthy and Christ-centered community. These principles are invaluable to building a community that is Biblically-based, outward-focused, edifying, prayer-oriented and Christ-centered. This episode will inspire and equip you to help steer your Christian gatherings and groups toward God’s pattern, whether you are a participant or a leader. When believers gather together in a way that brings glory to God, it is not only refreshing and beautiful, but world-changing.
Part Eight:
Overcoming Legalism
If you have personally been hurt or oppressed by legalism, this episode will help you break free from rules and discover the freedom of the abiding life in Christ. Leslie also shares several practical keys for responding to legalistic Christians in a God-honoring way, forgiving those how have hurt you through legalism, and becoming a catalyst of God’s amazing grace within the Body of Christ today.
Part Nine:
Becoming a Blanket Carrier
Our human tendency is to expose weakness in others and draw attention to it. But when we allow God to overwhelm us with His supernatural, victorious love toward His Body, our entire perspective changes. That’s when we become His blanket carriers, letting love cover a multitude of sins. The episode challenges us to let God flood us with fervent love for those in our lives and give us eyes not to see their weakness, but His strength, hope and redemption.
Part Ten:
Overcoming Mediocrity, Part One
In modern Christianity, we are facing a crossroads between comfortable mediocrity and radical devotion to Jesus. As spiritual apathy becomes the norm, Leslie challenges us to grapple with the questions: how far are we willing to go in our devotion to Jesus Christ? Is there such a thing as being too extreme in our passion for Him?
Part Eleven:
Overcoming Mediocrity, Part Two
While it’s easy to point the finger at the apathy we see in the Church at large, God often wants change to begin within us. In this powerful episode, Leslie offers two practical ways to let God have his way in our lives, become an example of vibrant Christianity, and inspire others with the way we choose to live
Part Twelve:
Making Jesus Your North Star
Christianity, in a nutshell, is all about a Person — the Person of Jesus Christ. As Leslie shares in this episode, anything in our spiritual lives that shifts our focus away from Jesus and His Great-Cross Work is off-center and a distraction from the true Gospel. In this message you’ll glean three important principles that can help you keep Jesus as your North Star, and avoid many common pitfalls in the modern Church that come when we shift our gaze away from what truly matters.