The Bible talks about “the secret place” and encourages us to meet with God there in personal fellowship. As social media platforms encourage women to be “real and raw” with their audience, could it be that we have lost something precious in developing personal, private communion with the King of all kings? In this week’s episode, Leslie captures the beauty of guarding the sacred aspects of our walk with Christ, shares the heart behind refraining from oversharing with your friends, and how to begin cultivating deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ.
Would you believe that Scripture has much to say about the beauty and art of secret-keeping? It’s true! Throughout God’s Word you’ll come across mentions of praying in secret, meeting God in the secret place, giving in secret, fasting in secret, and more. However, knowing what to share and when to refrain is becoming a lost art in the Body of Christ today. Today being guarded or discreet is not popular and can seem awkward or unspiritual, even in Christian circles.
Oversharing is often seen as “healthy,” and “raw and real” honesty is applauded rather than tempered with grace and discretion. Social media makes this trend seem more acceptable today, but should that make oversharing our natural default rather than weighing our words in light of what is essential and fitting for the conversation?
While sharing personal things with others is not always wrong, we must freshly consider if we have lost something precious in divulging our hearts to others, over getting along with God in the secret place.
How to Return to the Secret Place
Amy Carmichael went through many private personal struggles that she was unable to share with others. Here is what she said:
“I am dispirited. I cannot speak to anyone of the cause. It is private.” And God’s answer was, “I heard thee in the secret place of the storm. In the secret place among the unspoken things, there I am.”
Let us remember that Jesus knows, understands, hears, and meets us in the secret place to share in the sweetest of fellowship. He is the All-Sufficient One and the God of all Comfort, and His help is far superior than the help of man. When you feel that your struggles are too private to share, remember that He is waiting in the secret place to comfort and strength you!
A key step in guarding your personal walk is making sure that Jesus is your first turn before you turn to others to process your emotions or vent your feelings. We see this quality exemplified in Mary the mother of Jesus. She didn’t rush to defend herself or explain her situation to others, she remained yielded to God’s will even when her path became difficult. Later, when she had seen and experienced so many incredible things, she still chose to keep them quiet rather than publish them to the world. (See Luke 2:19.) Could it be that Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus because of her discretion and guardedness?
Final Thoughts
If you are wondering where to begin in making this practical in your life, start by taking time to get alone with God and pour your heart out to Him. Share with Him your hopes, joys, fears, dreams, and tears. If you like to write to process your thoughts, it can be helpful to journal these as if you are writing a letter unto Jesus. As you take these steps, you will begin to sense His presence!
Key Scriptures
- Matthew 6:6
- Proverbs 25:9
- Matthew 6:18
- Proverbs 21:14
- Psalm 91:1
- 1 Peter 5:7