Today Leslie continues her series on powerful praying. Many of us are afraid to pray boldly and specifically for the needs in our lives or the burdens on our hearts.
Powerful Praying
207: Overcoming Personal Prayer Roadblocks
What hinders us from a thriving prayer life? That’s the question Leslie tackles in this week’s episode…
206: Four Ways to Revive Your Prayer Life
In this episode, Leslie offers four practical ways to overcome spiritual apathy and revive your prayer life…
170: Barriers to Effective Prayer
Join Leslie as this week she uncovers common barriers that keep you from connecting with the Creator of the Universe and how to seek God with an undivided heart in and through passionate prayer…
169: Keys to Powerful Praying
When we are dealign with problems or uncertainty, it is easy to default to complaining, depression, anxiety, or manipulating the circumstances we are trying to avoid…
168: History-Shaping Prayer
Discouragement can easily follow on the heels of seemingly constant bad news. It’s time to show that we believe the promises of God by getting on our knees in history-shaping prayer…