Are you single and frustrated? Relationships can often be a painful subject…
Sacred Singleness
108: Keys to Romantic Fulfillment
Valentine’s Day can be difficult if you’re single…
95: Entrusting Marriage Dreams to God
All of our dreams for the future – whether it be a relationship, marriage, career, or other pursuits – are safest when they are placed at the nail-scarred feet of Jesus…
89: Is Singleness Really a Gift? Part Two
Leslie continues sharing on Christ-centered singleness in part two of answering the question: Is singleness really a gift?
88: Is Singleness Really a Gift? Part One
In this encouraging episode, Leslie points us to God’s Word to prove that Jesus is truly enough to flood our hearts with the reality that He is All in all, whether we are married or single…
69: How to Spend Your Single Years
Should single women proactively pursue marriage?…