As a lot of us have felt shaken by the events of the world, this week Leslie Ludy shares timely truth on biblical keys to staying strong and immovable amidst unstable times.
I discovered that when I took my eyes off the circumstances that were overwhelming me, over which I had no control, and looked up, my Lord was there. Deep in my heart He whispered, “I’m here, even when you don’t see Me, I’m here. Never for a moment are you out of My sight.”
– Darlene Deibler Rose
4 Spiritual Keys to Remaining Strong and Immovable in Jesus
- Remember His Faithfulness
Make a list of ways He has been faithful both in Scripture and throughout the record fo your life. Refer to this “pile of stones” often and allow it to build your faith.
- Be Inspired By Heroes of the Faith
Read biographies and soak yourself in triumphant stories of the faith to see how our Christian heroes went through a time of testing and came out strong.
- Do Spiritual Math
The power of God is infinitely greater — do spiritual math and read the end of the story, we will quickly realize we have not reason to despair.
- Discover the Power of Worship & Prayer
Worship reminds us of God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, and love. During times of struggle the temptation is to turn inward and focus on our own difficulties, but when we deliberately choose to turn upward we will find the amazing peace, joy, and strength that can only come from Jesus.
Helpful Scriptures
Psalm 46:2
Hebrews 11:33–38
2 Kings 6:15
Romans 8:31
Luke 22:44