Do your own imperfections keep you in a self-made prison of fear and insecurity? This episode will remind you to fix your gaze upon the only One who is perfect — Jesus Christ — and tap into God’s grace that will help you overcome feelings of inadequacy. Listen as Leslie shares how to respond biblically to threats from the enemy and instead be more than a conqueror as you rely on God’s victorious promises.
Do you struggle with feeling like a failure, compare yourself to others, or feel that insecurity is holding you back from taking bold steps forward? The enemy can hit us with pride or conversely, with insecurity — both can be devastating. If we don’t have a biblical response to feelings of inadequacy the enemy can pounce on that vulnerability in our lives and keep us from moving forward in our walk with Christ.
The best way to handle inadequacy is not by accepting defeat but by applying God’s victorious truth to the area we are insecure about.
Ways to Overcome Feelings of Inadequacy:
- Look Upward and Outward
One of the main goals of the enemy is to cause us to focus inward, which keeps our gaze from being fixed on Jesus and we are also kept from looking outward to others we can serve. When we focus on who He is and who He has placed in our lives to serve, and bless insecurity fades into the background and free us to be able to love others.
The process of living out the Christian life can only be accomplished successfully when we tap into the grave of God. Don’t take your eyes off His amazing grace.
When we focus on God’s greatness rather than our weakness, we gain true confidence; a confidence not founded in self but in the mighty God we serve.
2. Live for Heaven’s Applause
Always remember, the only smile and applause that matters is His. Living for Heaven’s applause may mean that we do not have the applause of this culture.
Amy Carmichael once said, “If the praise of others elates me, and the blame of others depresses me, then I know nothing of Calvary love.”
3. Stay Dependent Upon Jesus
There is a spiritual breakthrough awaiting us in every challenge we face, if only we will give Him the opportunity to show Himself faithful.
When we feel inadequate, remember that Jesus is not criticizing and looking down on you for your shortcomings. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Even if you don’t do everything perfectly, remember that you are with the Perfect One.
We will never be perfect on this side of Heaven, but if we are dependent upon the One who never falls short, we have everything we need to fulfill the impossible task that is set before us.
- Psalm 34:5
- Mark 8:14–21
- Matthew 25:21
Join us at this year’s upcoming Set Apart Conference, June 4–6th, in Windsor, CO or anywhere you are via simulcast! Leslie Ludy will be sharing powerful truth about facing the future with courage, navigating difficult relationships, and more. Spots are filling quickly, so be sure to register soon. Learn more and register here.