This week Leslie continues the Biblical Mindset series with a Scriptural look at legalism. As you seek to become consecrated to Christ, Satan would like nothing better than to distract you from true set-apartness and pull you either into the bondage of legalism (self-constructed holiness) or licentiousness (self-ruled, fleshly living). In this episode, Leslie shares important Biblical principles that can help you avoid both of these pitfalls and keep your eyes on the true Source of set-apartness.
To register for next year’s Set Apart Conference and enjoy the best prices on registration, visit here. To learn about our 2023 Weeklong Intensive program at Ellerslie, visit here. For more resources from Leslie, visit here. To support Set Apart Ministries, visit here. Book recommendations: Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray and The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer. Online article on abiding in Christ by Leslie: https://setapart.org/clinging-to-the-vine/.