Is it possible for believer’s today to hear and respond to God’s voice in their lives? Leslie answers this question with straightforward biblical principles that take the mystery and guesswork surrounding this question out of the picture and instead leave you with a clear and simple plan for you to begin growing in the leading the Holy Spirit in your life.
Key Scriptures:
John 15:5
John 5:30
James 4:13-15
Psalm 37:4
Podcast Summary
If you are facing some key decisions in your near future, grappling with truth, or desire to be reassured that you are, in fact, being led of God’s Spirit and not the “voice” of your own emotions, take courage at the fact that all throughout the whole of Scripture, we are assured that God does direct, that He does give wisdom, and that He does lead His sheep to the level we are submitted and surrendered to Him. His clear leading is conditional upon the state of our souls. That is key!
While it may be tempting to charge ahead of God, hearing God’s voice is all about choosing to be fully dependent upon Christ alone to direct your heart, shape your circumstances, and answer your prayers. Here are two key steps to hearing God’s voice in your everyday life!
A Biblical Approach to Decision Making:
- Become Dependent Upon God
- Let God Shapes the Desires of Your Heart
Ask yourself this question as you evaluate your current decision:
Does my heart really echo the words – “Not my will but Yours be done?”
Just as Jesus was dependent upon His Father for every word and action, we too are called to follow in His steps and lean not on our own understanding, trusting Him with all of our hearts to direct our path. And as we are surrendered to Him, we will begin to hear His voice and send His leading in our lives like never before. God will be faithful to form the desires of our hearts as we are soft to His will and leading in our lives. It’s not about God just giving us what we want, but the amazing, supernatural work of Grace that changes our desires to be in line with His own. Lay your dreams and desires at Jesus’ feet and ask Him to shape the longings of your heart. If you are willing to take that step of obedience, you will truly see that, “God gives the very best to those who leave the choice to Him.”
Take heart and stand guard against trace of bitterness that may collect in your soul when it seems that God has overlooked your desires, bypassed your dreams, or is taking too long to answer your prayers. Often there is a greater work that He wants to do in your heart or life before He grants your specific desire. Know that He has your very best at heart!
Additional Resources
Tramp for the Lord, Corrie ten Boom, https://www.amazon.com/Tramp-Lord-Corrie-ten-Boom/dp/0515089931/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1522705345&sr=8-1&keywords=tramp+for+the+lord
Set Apart Conference: Joyful Living, https://setapart.org/the-conference
Hearing God’s Voice, https://setapart.org/magazine/article/12-1-17/hearing-gods-voice