A walk through Christian history reveals a strength of faith and power of the Spirit of heroic proportions – but why don’t we wrestle for that same display of might and valor today? In this episode, Leslie talks about how to become a woman of valor without forsaking femininity but rather restoring it to biblical proportions! Using inspiring examples of women of the faith, Leslie draws out two key principles that are intrinsic to the return of strong, biblical femininity.
The world insists that strong is the new beautiful and women today should liberate themselves by “unleashing their inner lioness.” However, a true heavenly woman of valor has nothing to do with a woman’s individuality, personality, strength, or intellect, but is all about allowing Christ’s amazing strength to be showcased in and through our lives. The key is to put aside our personal agenda and adopt a mindset of humility that delights to get out of the way so that Jesus may be seen in our daily interactions.
Being a bravehearted woman is diametrically opposed to the world’s feministic version of strength. True, biblical femininity is not dull or mousy but learning how to be on the spiritually defensive rather than always on the offensive. The question is, how do you make that transition?
There are many stories from Christian history that display women of valor who were passionately devoted to Christ and thus, able to rely on His power to do the impossible. Mary Slessor and Gladys Aylward are two stunning examples of breathtaking, bravehearted womanhood. Both of these women didn’t count their lives dear to themselves, but were willing to put personal safety and comforts aside and place themselves in danger. As a result, their Christlike courage caused those who were lost around them to question if there was a greater power than they knew. It’s easy to hear stories like this from Christian history and be inspired or impressed, but the application into our own lives often falls short. We think of these amazing stories as something that is particular to a certain age or time period rather than wrestling to see them appear in our own generation.
As Goulburn said, “The greater old or new testament saints are on a level that is quite within our reach…” The Bible supports the position that bravehearted living is simply to be the lifestyle of Christ’s disciples. The Old and New Testament saints accomplished mighty things for God not through their own strength, but through relying on God’s power (see Hebrews 6:12 and James 5:16-17).
Two Principles To Cultivate Strength and Valor Into Everyday Life
- Sprint toward the battle
Biblical strength is not just a key quality of godly masculinity but godly femininity as well. The Proverbs 31 woman was marked by virtue or strength. And while our natural inclination is to shrink back from difficulty and self-protect, God has called men and women alike to overcome fear and run toward that which He is calling us to knowing that He has equipped us for that specific task.
- Exchange Counterfeit Strength for True Strength
Counterfeit strength is a shallow strength that fights for its own rights. True strength fights for God’s glory to be seen on this earth just as Mary Slessor and Gladys Aylward did. No mater how weak or timid you may feel, remember and never forget that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.
Key Scriptures
Hebrews 6:12
James 5:16-17
Recommended Resources
Check our our Set Apart Online Courses to go deeper into what it means to be a woman both of strength and dignity! You can view our course library here or check out Leslie’s NEW Online Mentoring Program here.