Godly discernment is available for every follower of Jesus Christ! But it doesn’t just automatically come to us. As the culture seeks to pair Christianity with glossy marketing techniques that may or may not retain the true essence of the Gospel, Leslie shares how to be molded and shaped by truth, how to make God’s Word your lifeline, and why it’s important to study historic examples of authentic Christianity in your journey to grow in being a resilient and bravehearted woman!
The Apostle Paul charged his disciples in his final commission to “take heed … watch and remember” (Acts 20:28-31) in order to keep from being drawn away and distracted from false messages that existed in his day. This highlights an important point for us as modern Christian women – if Paul’s own disciples could be deceived by lies of the culture and needed to walk with care and wisdom, how much more do we need to be watchful over our own souls with today’s modern messages?
The rise of mega churches, Christian celebrities, trendy messages and philosophies, and consumer-driven marketing techniques can dazzle and impress the Church with their beauty and approach, but they can just as easily distract our eye and deceive our heart in the process. Enough glitz and glamour applied to anything under the banner of “Christianity” can easily blind genuine believers from distinguishing truth from error.
The reality is that not every resource that hits the market with a Christian label has been vetted by a board of wise and godly elders. That means it’s up to us to be watchful, wise, and astute to detect truth from lies. God does not intend for us to live tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine that greets us, and there is great joy in knowing we can gain His wisdom to know how to deal with each thing that crosses our path.
The Word of God promises that is we seek His wisdom diligently we will find it (see James 1:5). So how do we keep from becoming a gullible woman? Here are three keys that will guard you from error and lead you toward Truth Himself!
Beware of “Itching Ears”
This phrase is found in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, when Paul warns Timothy about those that will not hear sound truth but instead desire to hear and listen to only that which is pleasant and palatable to their hearing and understanding.
Be watchful of:
- being resistant towards being molded and shaped by Truth or convicted and refined by God’s Spirit.
- being more inclined to modify God’s Word to be in alignment with personal ideas and desires, rather than placing ideas and desires under submission to the Bible.
Make God’s Word Your Lifeline
The Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path – there is simply no substitute for the place of His precious Word in our lives. This is debatably the most important key in keeping from being a gullible woman. We must love, read, and obey the Word of God above all else!
Be watchful of:
- having a spiritual devotional diet that consists only of devotional excerpts, modern messages, social media encouragement, etc.
- placing other resources, products, voices, etc. above God’s Word.
Embrace Old Paths
Consumer-driven Christianity employs marketing techniques to dazzle us … and often distract us from the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus. One of the best ways to avoid this pitfall is to approach life with a new attitude; one that is focused on the glory of God and not on what will make us happy. Study the lives of men and women throughout Christian history who lived simple, sturdy, uncompromising lives for His glory.
Be watchful of:
- being taken in by the “latest and greatest” trends you see hitting the market. Be patient, be prayerful, and watch to see if the message aligns with God’s Word.
- hearkening to “bells and whistles” over sturdy Truth. When technology and artistry promotes trendy messages or exalts a specific person instead of lifting high the name of Jesus, we can be sure that the glory of God has departed from that movement or message.
Final Thoughts
When we are desirous to walk in His truth over error, we need not fear being deceived. It really is as simple as remembering these two key takeaways: rely on God’s grace and remember that Christianity is all about Jesus.
God’s grace can enable and empower you to move past the fog of confusion and distraction. As you reject messages that lead you away from Jesus, you will be able to embrace those that lead you toward loving Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless
before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.
Jude 1:24
Key Scriptures
- Acts 20:28-31
- Ephesians 4:14
- Isaiah 59:14
- 2 Timothy 3:6
- Proverbs 8:33-35
- James 1:5
- 2 Timothy 4:3-4
- Jude 1:24
Recommended Resources
- Leslie’s course on Godly Discernment is available here!
- The Lost Art of Godly Discernment takes this topic deeper and is available for free at our website.