Is it possible for believer’s today to hear and respond to God’s voice in their lives?
70: How to Help Vulnerable Children
Do you have a heart for vulnerable children in need?
The God of Miracles
Cannot the same wonders be done now as of old? Do not the eyes of the Lord still run to and fro throughout the whole…
69: How to Spend Your Single Years
Should single women proactively pursue marriage?…
68: Overcoming Insecurity
Insecurity is a blight that has plagued women since their pre-teen years…
67:When Others Try to Steal Your Joy
How do I keep others from stealing my joy? Is it ever right to show a little attitude back towards those who are treating me harshly?
66:The Personal Fulfillment Myth
There is a popular personal fulfillment catchphrase that is popular in today’s culture that is often scripted on decorative wall plaques, t-shirts, and coffee mugs…
Giving Joy Brings Joy
I stepped hesitantly out of the rented van, gazing uncertainly at the unfamiliar surroundings. The sweltering July…
65: Joy in the Midst of Trials
Maybe you’ve had a bad day, bad week … or a bad year…