The bus felt hot and stuffy as it jolted noisily down the road. I gripped my backpack and stared out the window, trying to ignore the raucous behavior of the pre-adolescents…
How Prayer Strengthens Marriage
I’ll never forget the day when Eric and I really began to pray together, as a strong, unified, passionate team, wrestling together for God’s purposes to be realized…
A Narrow Road
When I was eighteen, I read a book* that became a defining influence upon my life. It was a biography written by…
Putting Marriage First
When I was pregnant with our first child, Eric and I attended a childbirth education class, an experience I definitely…
Love is a Choice
My five-year-old daughter, Avy, recently asked me a rather profound question: “How do you know if somebody really knows Jesus or not?”
Waiting for a Christ-Built Man
It’s surprising how many Christ-focused young women I meet have a difficult time transferring their romance with Jesus into the arena of guys.
Cross-Centered Love Stories
Whenever Valentine’s Day approaches, the subject of romantic relationships surfaces suddenly, like a deep-sea diver coming up for air…
The Subtlety of Self-Justification
Many years ago, a close friend challenged me about a particular movie that I liked and had recommended to others. …
Purposeful Femininity
Eric and I had been in full-time ministry for several years when the bait of idleness began to call my name. Ministry…