When I was eighteen, I read a book* that became a defining influence upon my life. It was a biography written by…
Putting Marriage First
When I was pregnant with our first child, Eric and I attended a childbirth education class, an experience I definitely…
Love is a Choice
My five-year-old daughter, Avy, recently asked me a rather profound question: “How do you know if somebody really knows Jesus or not?”
Waiting for a Christ-Built Man
It’s surprising how many Christ-focused young women I meet have a difficult time transferring their romance with Jesus into the arena of guys.
Cross-Centered Love Stories
Whenever Valentine’s Day approaches, the subject of romantic relationships surfaces suddenly, like a deep-sea diver coming up for air…
The Subtlety of Self-Justification
Many years ago, a close friend challenged me about a particular movie that I liked and had recommended to others. …
Purposeful Femininity
Eric and I had been in full-time ministry for several years when the bait of idleness began to call my name. Ministry…
Preparing Our Kids for Real Christianity
Not long ago, Hudson felt God speak to him about his future. He learned about the many needs in the country of…
A Fresh Vision for Prayer
Whenever a new year begins, our society encourages us to “turn over a new leaf” in self-improvement areas such as fitness, diet, and personal goals.