One of the most baffling statements Jesus ever made was, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple
Idle Chatter vs. Godly Edification
Proverbs 23 tells us that “idle chatter leads only to poverty.” When we waste our precious time and energy on…
Self-Esteem vs. Christ-Esteem
The message “love yourself” seems to be everywhere in modern culture – even in the church. It’s a message that…
A Friend of the Bridegroom
As Christians, we often spiritualize the idea of self-promotion. After all, the more successful and popular we…
Christ-Centered Time Management
God has entrusted us with the precious gift of time. Twenty four hours in every day; seven days in a every week; each…
Overcoming Excuses
Tozer wrote, “The man [or woman] who would know God must spend time with Him.” What a simple and profound truth -…
Tuning Out the Voice of Discouragement
Have you ever heard the voice of Discouragement whisper accusations to your soul? “You are a miserable failure,” he…
Where True Beauty Comes From
From eating disorders, to self-obsession, to provocative clothing, to unhealthy romantic flings, to pop-culture…
Coming Away with our Beloved
My Beloved spoke and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one and come way. Song of Solomon 2:10-13 When I…