Internet matchmaking services. Dating apps. Singles groups. Compatibility tests. Breakthrough secrets that…
13: The Shaping of a Set Apart Woman
In this powerful and practical episode, Leslie shares five qualities that are a must in the makeup of a set apart woman…
12: Testing a Man’s True Character
Using candid real-life examples and practical insights, Leslie shares helpful principles for guarding your heart, protecting your feminine mystery, and testing a man’s true character…
11 – Practical Preparation for Marriage
Leslie continues to share beneficial tips to practically prepare for a marriage that withstands the trials of life and the attacks of the enemy…
10: How to Prepare for a Successful Marriage
Catch a breathtaking vision for what God created marriage to reflect, and learn how to begin preparing for a marriage that goes the distance beginning today!
Choosing the Lowest Place
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who … made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a…
The Lost Art of Godly Discernment
Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw the disciples after themselves. …
09: A Guarded Tongue
Leslie speaks about the life-giving wisdom of guarding our tongue in contrast with the devastating affects of gossip and slander.
08: Set-Apartness in Social Media
Leslie offers practical advice in how to honor Christ with smartphones, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more!