The principle of sanctuary is more than finding the perfect holiday tablescape or having the perfect atmosphere for entertaining others. This week, Leslie uncovers the true reason for incorporating sanctuary into our hearts and homes — not just around the holidays but the whole year through.
We tend to have certain expectations during the holidays for how our gatherings and festivities should look. However, sanctuary is not defined by what type of home you own — you can live in a crowded dorm room, a sparsely-decorated apartment, with a growing family, or even in a prison cell and still cultivate a beautiful atmosphere that is governed by God’s Spirit.
The true purpose of sanctuary is to create an atmosphere and environment where our relationship with Jesus Christ can be made the highest priority. It is a principle built upon inviting the presence of God into your home.
1. Watchfulness
Watchfulness is rooted in paying attention — first, over your own soul and then your home. We can’t watch over the ways of our house if we aren’t watching over the ways of our own soul. If we aren’t spiritually sharp, we won’t be able to detect impure, unhealthy influences that are creeping into our homes that can subtly undermine our relationship with Christ.
2. Order
Godly order is not a self-focused perfectionism, rather it’s a yielding to God’s Spirit which allows His order and peace to shine through our lives — even when the season we are facing is difficult, confusing, or cluttered. Pursue the order of Heaven and reject celebrating chaos. Even Jesus Christ demonstrated order in His earthly life and placed value on doing things decently and in order.
If the thought of ordering your heart and home to reflect His peace and presence overwhelms you, remember that there is supernatural grace to embrace a measure of godly order. The most important place to cultivate order begins in our inner lives. All true order flows out of a rightly ordered soul.
Closing Thoughts
Prayerfully consider what ways God is calling you to clear clutter away from your heart and mind. As He highlights practical things that are in need of tending, set about taking small steps of obedience toward cultivating order in your heart and home.
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