In a swirl of packaging tape, styrofoam peanuts, and cardboard boxes, nearly a decade of life had been swiftly packed up and stowed into a moving truck…
Sacred Identity, Part 2
In such a time as this, each of us must prayerfully grapple with this question: Am I willing to wholeheartedly embrace God’s design for me as a woman?
Treasured Dependency
Mum reached out and set her hand reassuringly on mine, her eyes shining with confidence and understanding. In a barely audible whisper she strained, “I believe you can do it.”
Sacred Position, Part 1
The modern feminist agenda is not God’s agenda. And He has a far better approach to helping us rise up to our high calling as women…
Inspired Lifestyle Wallpaper // No. 28
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Inspired Lifestyle Wallpaper // No. 28
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