A friendly, pleasant warmth filled the kitchen as the group gathered around the center island, filling their cups…
Dabbling in Darkness
A girl I knew was struggling with nightmares and fearful, irrational thoughts on a nearly-constant basis. One afternoon as we met together for prayer…
Gratitude Leads to Thanksgiving
This month, my husband and I had a huge car repair bill and a big renewal fee for my real estate license, both due in…
In the Hands of the Great Physician
I’ve been walking through a season of lots of medical testing lately. I’ve had some different health issues for years, and it is coming to the place when it seems time to try to find some answers.
The Sweeter Delight
I sat on my bed in the attic of the little house in Nashville, wrestling with the reality that a lifelong dream was…
The World-Changing Impact of Set Apart Living
The August sun beat down mercilessly as thousands of giddy teenagers hurried to find the best patch of grass in the huge field-turned-outdoor-amphitheater…