I am someone who enjoys schedules and discipline and structure. I don’t usually like the spur-of-the-moment, go-with-the-flow type of lifestyle
Finding Perfect Peace
Whenever a new year begins, I often struggle with feeling overwhelmed. Ministry deadlines, looming household…
Life as Trees
Imagine with me two trees. One is planted in a beautiful, lush valley alongside a massive river. Its roots sink deep into the rich soil, its core is filled with the sap of life
Lots of Mirages, Very Few Marriages
We cannot state it often or plainly enough. Marriage is the clearest sermon of the Gospel which can be preached. Our…
Corrie ten Boom
Corrie ten Boom lay quietly on the hard wooden plank, covered with filthy, flea-infested straw, fighting back waves…
How Jesus Refueled
Every January, our family tries to get away somewhere together for a couple of weeks (preferably to a warm…