This week Leslie begins a two-part series on how to have a Heavenly perspective when others let you down.
208: Praying Boldly
Today Leslie continues her series on powerful praying. Many of us are afraid to pray boldly and specifically for the needs in our lives or the burdens on our hearts.
207: Overcoming Personal Prayer Roadblocks
What hinders us from a thriving prayer life? That’s the question Leslie tackles in this week’s episode…
206: Four Ways to Revive Your Prayer Life
In this episode, Leslie offers four practical ways to overcome spiritual apathy and revive your prayer life…
205: Spiritual Lessons from Hudson Taylor
In this episode, Leslie highlights powerful truths gleaned from the life and testimony of Hudson Taylor, who is known as the father of modern missions.
204: Spiritual Lessons from Mary Slessor
In this episode, Leslie shares the inspiring story of Mary Slessor, a missionary to Africa who demonstrated extraordinary courage and dependence upon God.