This week Leslie distinguishes between self-care and soul-level rest that is not dependent upon circumstances or our surroundings, but is derived from God’s reality…
172: Overcoming Inadequacy
This episode will remind you to fix your gaze upon the only One who is perfect — Jesus Christ — and tap into God’s grace that will help you overcome feelings of inadequacy…
171: Overcoming Shame
As daughters of the King, God desires that we be liberated from baggage of the past and set free to walk in unhindered intimacy with Christ…
170: Barriers to Effective Prayer
Join Leslie as this week she uncovers common barriers that keep you from connecting with the Creator of the Universe and how to seek God with an undivided heart in and through passionate prayer…
169: Keys to Powerful Praying
When we are dealign with problems or uncertainty, it is easy to default to complaining, depression, anxiety, or manipulating the circumstances we are trying to avoid…
168: History-Shaping Prayer
Discouragement can easily follow on the heels of seemingly constant bad news. It’s time to show that we believe the promises of God by getting on our knees in history-shaping prayer…