The self-care craze encourages us to indulge in mini “mind-escapes” in order to rest and refuel, but what is God’s pattern?…
76: Overcoming Burnout
Discover that burnout doesn’t have to be a necessary evil but an opportunity to tap into the amazing grace of Jesus Christ…
75: How to Avoid Being Deceived
Now more than ever it is vitally important that Christian women know how to stand on the unchanging truth of God’s Word…
74: Consumer-Driven Christianity
This week, Leslie shares how to keep from bringing wrong expectations into your church, ministry, or lifestyle by uncovering cultural Christianity’s insatiable desire to be catered to and entertained…
73: Enjoying Life in a Godly Way
Strategic marketing and personal-fulfillment mantras are designed to tempt us toward thrill-seeking, binge-watching, and adventure-hunting to our heart’s content…
72: Victory Over Worry
Maybe mind-numbing fear doesn’t grip you on a daily basis, but are niggling worrisome thoughts ruling your existence?