It’s easy to feel frustrated and helpless with the rampant sexual identity crisis that’s swirling about in our culture. This week, Leslie reminds us that before these issues can be addressed politically or socially, we must begin to address them in our own souls. Discover two biblical principles that will help you embrace God’s design for your femininity.
Genesis 1:27 presents a very simple concept that has caused potentially the greatest controversy and confusion in our culture, including Christina culture. “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Yes, it’s easy to feel confused and frustrated at the sexual identity chaos that’s prevalent in our culture but while many Christians are asking how to handle these topics, we must first realize that the issue of our identity must e addressed biblically within our own souls first. In such a time as this, each of us needs to prayerfully grapple with the question, “Am I willing to wholeheartedly embrace God’s design for me as a woman?”
In this episode, we’ll clear away the cultural fog surrounding the sexual identity controversy by debunking two common myths.
Myth #1 — Maybe I was born the wrong gender.
The Facts —
- We cannot erase who God has designed us to be — male and female.
- When we alter our God-given gender, we are rebelling against our Creator.
- God does not make mistakes. Be assured, He made us women on purpose.
KEY TRUTH — Womanhood is a sacred appointment given to us as a gift by the very same Creator who formed the heavens and earth.
KEY QUESTION — Are you willing to trust your Creator?
Myth #2 — Embracing my role as a woman will be restrictive and oppressive.
- The only way to embrace our calling as women is to set aside our own ideas and adhere to what God’s Word says.
- Yes, the Bible does express different roles for men and women, but it is clear that God didn’t create one gender to be better or more useful in the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Jesus validated the importance of women during His earthly ministry. His life communicated a woman’s worth and significance in His Kingdom.
- In marriage, God commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church. (See Ephesians 5:25.) God is obviously concerned with how women are treated. And women are called to love their husbands with the same type of servant-hearted love.
Bonus — Answering the Domesticity Question
Are women only expected to do things like laundry and sewing? Not necessarily. There is a lot more to godly womanhood than developing domestic skills. Study all of the things that the Proverbs 31 woman did. She focused on more than just domesticity. The key word that defines her character is virtue, which is an amazing word that describes one as having God-infused strength and valor. I encourage you to study this out and be amazed at what God-defined womanhood is all about!
Closing Thoughts
True, biblical femininity is not about showcasing the glory of woman but showcasing the amazing glory of God!
Scripture References
Genesis 1:27
Galatians 3:28
Recommended Resources
- If you want to become more confident in who Christ has made you to be, we encourage you to enter our Ellerslie Giveaway here by March 20th to fall more in love with Jesus by attending one of Ellerslie’s upcoming weeklong or 5-week discipleship programs. Learn more + enter here.
- If you want to inspire the men around you to have a biblical perspective on femininity, read my article The Return of Honorable Manhood.
- We would love to see you at this year’s Set Apart Conference on Sacred Living. Take the concept of true identity even deeper and learn how to build your life around Jesus Christ. Learn more here.