Book by Ellen Caughey

I picked this slim volume up at a used bookstore a few years ago, and I just recently finished it. I was amazed at how much incredible testimony God packed into Eric Liddell’s short life. I had seen the well-known movie Chariots of Fire that outlined parts of his life and Olympic career, but I never knew he passed away at the young age of forty-three years old. Though his life was short, all of his years were purposefully used by God to make a lasting impact on the lives of many. He was described as cheerful and a joker, with a wide smile and a love for people. His athletic training and Olympic victories prepared him both physically and spiritually for the mission field in China, where he served humbly and faithfully until his death. At his funeral, it was said, “His was a God-controlled life and he followed his Master and Lord with devotion that never flagged and with an intensity of purpose that made men see both the reality and power of true religion.” The way he ran was the way he lived, and it is rare when you find an example of a person who lived a life before Christ with such consistency, humility, and devotion. This short read is sure to challenge your perspective on what God can do with a life completely surrendered to Him, even if the years of that life are few.