Online Course with Leslie Ludy

This online course contains a much-needed message on discernment in our day and age.
Whether you’ve been disheartened as you’ve watched believers exchange foundational biblical truths for flexible mindsets, or you simply want to be equipped to stand firmly upon God’s unchanging Word in the midst of the battle for truth that is raging in our day — this course is for you. Charles Spurgeon was quoted as saying, “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.” And this online course will equip you with the biblical truth to do just that.
The hours you spend gleaning from this online course will be hours well spent as you are infused with passion to build your life upon the firm foundation of God’s Word, live your life through a biblical grid, examine popular messages in the church and the culture today, and become equipped to identify and steer clear of the subtle twistings of truth.