I have been struggling recently with feeling hypocritical and unworthy, so much so that I feel like I can’t talk to God about my struggles. What should I do to stop feeling so unworthy of God’s help and love?

answered by: Mandy Saeler | CO, USA
For a long time, I lived a Christian existence with the nagging voice of insecurity wearing away at my heart. Through those times of ache and confusion, God faithfully brought the light of His Truth. He revealed that the root of my insecurity was sin and compromise, which denied Christ His rightful reign in my heart. Now, when insecurity encroaches upon my heart, I’ve learned to flee to God’s presence for fresh examination and yield once more to my Worthy King.
My encouragement to you would be to come before God in surrender, asking Him to examine your heart, revealing areas of sin and compromise in your life. Our God is a gentle and loving Father and as you humbly yield to His hand, He will faithfully root out all that hinders your pursuit of Him.
As it says in Psalm 24:3-4, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart…” Prayerfully examine your spiritual walk in light of James 4:4-10. Go through this passage verse by verse, praying through each point, and allowing God to test and try your heart. Fully yield yourself to His refining, purifying work with a repentant, rejoicing heart. As you do, walk forward with the strength and enablement of God’s Spirit to live in simplicity and purity before God.
As we embrace Christ and the work of the Cross, the enemy no longer has the grounds to incriminate our hearts and harass our minds with feelings of doubt and unworthiness. As you fix the gaze of your soul steadfastly upon the Truth of God and faithfully keep your heart pure, the nagging voice of insecurity will soon fade and you will begin to taste heaven on earth as you live in the presence of your King!