Book by Sabina Wurmbrand

Sabina Wurmbrand was a woman who truly counted Christ as her Highest Treasure. For His sake, she gave everything she could: the best years of her life, her dear husband and precious son, and all the soft and sweet things that life on this earth could have offered her. She embraced the rugged Cross of Christ, faithfully endured years of persecution and hardship, and stood firmly as a tower of light and truth in the midst of dark and uncertain times. Through it all, she discovered the outshining worth of knowing Christ — and lived in the triumphant joy and beauty of that reality.
As I read of this woman’s surrendered, sacrificial life, my assumed entitlements to convenient living, idealistic dreams, and personal comforts were shamed. With each passing chapter, my understanding of the cost of following Christ deepened and I witnessed the boundless grace given to those who cleave to Him. If you need a vision for what it looks like to live unreservedly for God, a firm shake out of self-focused living, an example of Christ-consumed marriage and family, or poignant encouragement to live with eternity’s values in view — this woman’s story will inspire you, challenge you, and ultimately set your eyes upon the worthiness and beauty of Christ!