Integrity is hard to find among many circles of society, including Christian cirlces. It seems that people say “no” to big compromies to their integrity, but when it comes to the little things where it can be of benefit to them, they compromise. What should I do? How do I remain steadfast when others around me are compromising their integrity?

answered by: Mandy Saeler | CO, USA
We all face temptations of various kinds in our lives. And when we see believers compromising and caving to the pressure of temptation, it can be both troubling and confusing. Suddenly, the “right” and “wrong” that were so crystal clear to us in one moment, are blurred and hazy in the next.
In whatever situation you are facing, I simply encourage you to live with conviction before your God. In essence, by the grace of God, do what you know He is asking of you and stand firmly upon what you know is right. Contemplate Paul’s exhortation in Romans 14:14-23 to understand what it means to walk in love, function in faith, and live with conviction before your God.
If you are struggling or lacking clarity in your decisions, be sure that you are consistently praying about the situation and seeking wisdom in His Word. Don’t hesitate to seek out biblical counsel from spiritual leaders or godly mentors in your life. And when the time comes for you to make your decision — simply choose to do what you know is right. (And do it with joy!)
While you may still see unsettling trends around you, rest in the assurance of God’s leading in your decisions, and relish the peace and blessing that is found in walking His way!

answered by: Sarah Guthrie | CO, USA
Your question reminded me of the integrity Jesus demonstrated. His moral ethics were impeccable … right down to the smallest of details. Our God is One who notices the small things — like the tiniest “white lie” said in the office. He knows. And what’s more, He cares.
So much that He sent His Son to die for sins of every magnitude — including the ones over which you are burdened for! James 2:10 says that “whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point … is guilty of all.” While building a soap box and grabbing a fog horn wouldn’t be the best way to promote this truth, I encourage you to humbly live it out as the Holy Spirit sanctifies the nooks and crannies of your life. If the Lord has made you aware of compromise — then abstain and graciously communicate your convictions to others if they ask. Remain patient with those who may be at different stages of spiritual growth. Be willing to appear socially awkward in front of those who are wondering why you are doing what you’re doing! And above all, align your motives to reflect Christ’s holiness, never self’s. I know that as you remain obedient, He will give you the grace you need to live with the integrity and honor of Heaven itself!