What can you do to stay connected to Christ when you are constantly surrounded by ungodliness?
answered by: jess White
Your first turn in this situation always should be to prayer: Pray that Christ would give you the strength to not yield to any of the worldly influences around you, pray that He would strengthen your relationship with Him, pray that He would give you godly friendships with fellow Christ-focused ladies. I can’t stress enough the importance of surrounding yourself with fellow believers, as much as it is in your ability to do so. Here are some additional tips on saturating yourself in truth and light:
- If you are working, use your breaks to read a Christian biography. I found Elisabeth Elliot’s books really helpful to read when I was working in a secular environment.
- Listen to sermons throughout the day. Don’t know where to start? The Power to Forgive, Hero-Training, and The Costly Gospel — all found at — were particularly impactful to me.
- Find a quiet room in your house, apartment, or dorm room, turn on a worship song like “You Are My Hiding Place” by Selah, and worship the Lord through dance (it doesn’t have to look “good”).
- Ask a Christian family or an older woman in your church if they would be okay with you spending one evening a week at their house. This can be a very low-key time where you work on homework, read, or even help them with evening chores. Not only could this be a refreshment for your soul, but it is also good preparation for learning how to run a household in a godly way.
- Be a light to those around you. Though you may be ridiculed for your position, don’t compromise on your convictions. However, seek to love, serve, and pray for those around you. When someone is going through a rough time — even if it is something caused by their ungodly decisions — be ready to listen. Ask God to give you wisdom on how to respond with both love and with His truth. They need to know where true life is found!
Answered by: Sarah Guthrie
In seasons where everything feels like an uphill battle against our walk with Jesus, the pressure can wear on our minds and bodies. I hope these three “r’s” will refocus you when you are leaning towards discouragement!
- Reality check: If you find yourself tempted to ask the question, “Why are things so difficult?” evaluate your circumstances with a biblical lens. Jesus prepared us for difficulty by presenting the right perspective. (See John 16:33.) Remembering what life is promised to hold and how we are to respond is a comfort! Build an armament of Scripture that clarifies who you are and what you’re here for. Keeping a sound mind in the midst of ungodliness is key! Here are some of my favorites: 2 Timothy 2:3-4, James 1:2-6, 1 Peter 1:6-8; 2:11-12; 4:12-14, Hebrews 11:13.
- Renew your mind: Just as we prepare ourselves for the day practically before heading to work or school, we must prepare ourselves spiritually. Don’t forget to intentionally put on the whole armor of God … every day! Camp out in Ephesians 6 and study each piece and how you can faithfully incorporate it into your life, routine, and mindset.
- Refuel from the correct source: It’s tempting to take it easy when the going gets tough. The key to staying connected with Christ is not to disconnect by indulging our natural inclinations for mindless comfort and relaxation. Purpose to have fun and refreshing times with the One who has promised to give you true rest. A scenic prayer walk, a long soak in Scripture, or intentionally blessing someone rejuvenates and brings joy like no movie marathon can!