When the Church and the world can jog comfortably together, you may be sure there is something wrong. The world has…
An Undivided Heart
If I become entangled in any inordinate affection; if things or places or people hold me back from obedience to my…
Dabbling in Darkness
A girl I knew was struggling with nightmares and fearful, irrational thoughts on a nearly-constant basis. One afternoon as we met together for prayer…
The Dangers of Shallow Living
When Eric and I first began traveling, speaking, writing, and discipling, I quickly realized that I wasn’t prepared…
Filling our Minds
When I was in elementary school, I enjoyed getting to stay home from school for sick-days. Apart from being excused…
Looking Away from Worthless Things
God asks us to meditate upon things that are true, right, noble, pure, excellent, lovely and praiseworthy.