Leslie continues her series with this poignant episode on choosing truth over emotion in mentoring relationships and friendships…
Honorable Honesty
“Corrie ten Boom is a most popular world evangelist … She is tireless and completely selfless in her absolute dedication to the cause of the Gospel…”
185: Being Real the Right Way, Part 2
There is a fine line between being honest and gossiping with others, and being honest about our sin struggles in a way that leads to victory rather than defeat…
105: When to Speak, When to be Silent
Listen as Leslie shares how to know when to speak up to encouragingly share truth, when to lovingly confront, and when it is best to refrain and simply trust Jesus in the secret place.
86: A No-Drama Lifestyle
It doesn’t take much effort to conjure up an uncomfortably clear mental picture of drama – what it looks like, how it behaves, and the results of engaging in it.
79: Healthy Friendships
When we think of cultivating healthy friendships, our minds naturally drift towards ensuring our relationships with the opposite sex are God-glorifying…
41: True Honesty
Counterfeit honesty has infiltrated our culture, telling us to just “be real.”
Set-Apartness in Social Media
Kate sipped her latte and glanced around the cozy coffee shop trying to gather her…
Guarding Against Gossip
Marci was an awkward, insecure third-grader with pale skin, countless freckles, and unkempt red hair…