Using candid real-life examples and practical insights, Leslie shares helpful principles for guarding your heart, protecting your feminine mystery, and testing a man’s true character…
11 – Practical Preparation for Marriage
Leslie continues to share beneficial tips to practically prepare for a marriage that withstands the trials of life and the attacks of the enemy…
Putting Marriage First
When I was pregnant with our first child, Eric and I attended a childbirth education class, an experience I definitely…
The Man I Married – Reflection #4
After twenty years together, God is still writing our love story. Our relationship has moved beyond the fresh, innocent, fairy-tale love story of twenty years ago into something far deeper and even more beautiful.
The Man I Married – Reflection #3
Ever since I have known Eric, he’s had a built-in compassion radar toward everyone around him…
The Man I Married – Reflection #2
Living in the public eye has not been easy for either of us. We’ve been a source of curiosity and interest to others for most of our married life…
The Man I Married – Reflection #1
We may look like a youngish couple, but believe it or not, Eric and I are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary!
Dealing with Conflict in a Healthy Way
Conflict is a natural and normal growing pain of any maturing relationship. When two people— often two very different…
Putting Christ Above Marriage and Family
One of the most baffling statements Jesus ever made was, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple