In the words that follow, we’ve asked two set apart women we admire to share their perspectives with you on the topic…
pursuing jesus
A God-Honoring “Girls’ Night”
Chick flick. Gossip. Eat. Guy-talk. Repeat. For most of my teen years, this was the precise formula my friends and I…
How to Be a Christ-Centered Friend
As I watched Eric’s red Toyota Camry pull out of my parents’ driveway, my heart soared with spiritual inspiration. …
Running for the Prize
I’ve been participating in a fitness challenge at a gym nearby. I thought it would be kind of a fun motivation to get in shape…
Looking Away from Worthless Things
God asks us to meditate upon things that are true, right, noble, pure, excellent, lovely and praiseworthy.
Exclusively Christ’s
As we make deliberate choices to live exclusively and radically for Christ, our lives speak a message to the world…