Valentine’s Day can be difficult if you’re single…
95: Entrusting Marriage Dreams to God
All of our dreams for the future – whether it be a relationship, marriage, career, or other pursuits – are safest when they are placed at the nail-scarred feet of Jesus…
What a Godly Man Finds Beautiful
It is beautiful to see a woman who not only knows the Word, but delights in it as the Psalmist did — a woman who is diligent to spend time studying, learning, memorizing, meditating, and growing in intimacy with Jesus through the Truth of Scripture.
89: Is Singleness Really a Gift? Part Two
Leslie continues sharing on Christ-centered singleness in part two of answering the question: Is singleness really a gift?
88: Is Singleness Really a Gift? Part One
In this encouraging episode, Leslie points us to God’s Word to prove that Jesus is truly enough to flood our hearts with the reality that He is All in all, whether we are married or single…
Q&A: Intentionality During Singleness
I am a single woman who has laid my desire for marriage before God and am waiting upon Him. My question is this: While I am still single, what are some practical suggestions (from your experience) for how I can both live with intentionality today, and also practically prepare for the future?
His Way is Perfect
During most of my single years I was on a desperate search for true love. I was convinced that if I could only find the right guy…
Waiting for a Christ-Built Man
It’s surprising how many Christ-focused young women I meet have a difficult time transferring their romance with Jesus into the arena of guys.
Leaving the Pen in God’s Hands
Probably the biggest fear that single women deal with is that if they don’t take matters into their own hands, they…