“Corrie ten Boom is a most popular world evangelist … She is tireless and completely selfless in her absolute dedication to the cause of the Gospel…”
Q&A: Honorable Speech
Can you give a practical example of what it looks like to be gracious in our speech in our daily lives?…
The Power of the Tongue
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21a The church sanctuary glowed with candlelight as Eric and…
90: The Power of Encouragement
Choosing kindness over criticism is easier said than done, but when carried out with a loving, gracious spirit the effect is beautiful to behold…
87: Exchanging Crudeness for Honor
In an age where crude humor is the language of the culture, learn how to rejoice in the truth with a pure-hearted conscience before the Lord with this week’s episode.
Guarding Against Gossip
Marci was an awkward, insecure third-grader with pale skin, countless freckles, and unkempt red hair…
Dealing with Conflict in a Healthy Way
Conflict is a natural and normal growing pain of any maturing relationship. When two people— often two very different…