A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions, Compiled by Arthur G. Bennet

This little volume captures the prayer lives of the Puritans throughout history. It happily ruined my impression of Puritanism with its black garb and lofty speech full of “thees” and “thous,” and instead revealed passionate hearts that beat for Christ behind a straight-laced exterior. These men knew their God intimately. They wrote to Him as if He were across the table, rather than across time itself. It convicted me of lifeless prayers and spurred me on to worship my King in the beauty of holiness, a beauty that these men treasured and knew personally.
I encourage you to pick up a copy, ponder it, and take it into your times with Jesus. It is sure to water any arid places in your prayer life, and become a favorite friend that points you to Christ again and again, page after page.