Leslie continues the discussion on what today’s Christian women really need to hear in this week’s podcast and shares how to properly handle the misconceptions women are facing today. Touching upon important issues such as how to rest and refuel the right way as well as how to use fasten our friendships to Christ instead of self, you’ll find encouragement and truth to aim the whole of your life towards Christ and not self. Plus, catch the vision behind this year’s Set Apart Conference on standing unashamed for Christ in a time such as this!
Every year at the Set Apart Conference we devote an entire weekend to encouraging and revisiting the core truths about Christ-centered living that women need to hear in order to experience true freedom and joy in Christ. However, modern Christianity and the culture that surrounds us in the day-in, day-out sends mixed messages on what today’s women really need to hear. Let’s continue the conversation and share two more common misconceptions that are being promoted amongst biblical womanhood today.
Common Misconceptions About What Women Really Need to Hear:
It is absolutely true that women need to refuel and refresh … but often the way we seek this is through the wrong avenue. Christian women are encouraged to indulge in the many mind escapes of our day — social media, movie marathons, venting sessions with friends, etc. While defaulting to entertainment, entering into frivolous chatter with friends, and the like may provide temporary relief and happiness, it won’t lead to authentic rejuvenation and lasting soul refreshment.
Psalm 23:2 says, “He makes me to lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside still waters.” This verse was not referring to a movie marathon or a tropical vacation. Instead, David penned this Psalm referring to finding refreshment from Christ wherever he was. The beautiful truths contained in Psalm 23 prove that David has discovered how to handle tremendous weights that were on his life and return to the right Source for rest and peace. He had discovered the secret to the fullness of joy, which is dwelling in the presence of the Most High God.
It is important to learn how to rest the right way. Prayer, journaling, worship, reading Christian biographies, and other activities that lead us into Christ’s presence help us connect with Him in a deeper way. This provides lasting refreshment to our soul — more than movies or social media ever could.
2. Women need to have deep, honest, ongoing relationships with other women in order to process their struggles.
It is true that no matter how many authentic friendships we may have on this earth, there is only one relationship that can satisfy us on the innermost needs of our soul. Developing a daily, personal relationship with Jesus Christ is our soul-level cure for dealing with difficulties and processing the struggles of life.
We have to realize that when our identity is found in our Heart-Friend, Jesus Christ, we won’t depend on other women in an unhealthy way to be what only He can. The sisters in Christ He has given us should be an accent to our life and not the cornerstone of our contentment. Be careful of robbing your friends of the glorious opportunity to discover Jesus as the God of all Comfort and their All in all. Remember, the best investment you can make in another’s life is leading them into a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and not just a friendship with yourself.
Final Thoughts
Our 10th Annual Set Apart Conference will take some of these concepts deeper with two sessions devoted to exchanging self-pity for spiritual fortitude and how to live worthy of the high calling we have received. I hope to see you there June 7-8th in Windsor, Colorado!
Key Scriptures
Psalm 23:2
Recommended Resources
The Set Apart Conference is just under two months away! We would love to have you join us in discovering how to stand unashamed with Jesus Christ in a time such as this as Leslie and other special guests will be sharing how to practically influence this world for Christ!