The self-care craze encourages us to indulge in mini “mind-escapes” in order to rest and refuel, but what is God’s pattern? Discover how to rest at the soul level that will leave you feeling recharged and revived that lasts longer than the weekend. Leslie shares the secret to true rest, how to rest in the midst of a schedule peppered with commitments, and how to engage in non-spiritual activities in a healthy, Christ-focused way.
Key Scriptures
Psalm 16:11
Psalm 23
Luke 10:38-42
1 Peter 5:7
Podcast Summary
As so many of us live fast-paced lifestyles, it is vitally importantly – to our physical and spiritual health – that we rest in a way that will truly refuel our souls. In a world that often looks to Hollywood to bring rest and refreshment, Jesus demonstrated a wholly different pattern that looks far different from indulging in movie marathons. We must realize that God does desire rest for His children, but it’ snot necessarily the lazy, self-indulgent “rest” that our culture promotes.
Cultures speaks out of both sides of its mouth when it comes to the idea of rest. We are pressured to be rushed, fast-paced, overcommitted, and climb the corporate ladder. But that same culture is also telling us that we “owe” it to ourselves to get away from it all, focus on ourselves, and do what makes us happy, telling us that unless we frequently indulge in the mini “mind-escapes” of our day we won’t have a healthy outlook on life.
Refresh yourself in the serene imagery of Psalm 23 and then contrast it with David’s life. At first glance, you would think that David enjoyed an easy life of solitude and contemplation, sitting around in peaceful fields playing his harp and gazing at the heavens. And yet, look at all he was responsible for and encountered! Who would have ever guessed that his life was constantly in danger? Somehow David was able to handle the weight of his life and remain perfectly restful without entertainment and cultural props to distract him. What was his secret?
In short, David knew how to go to the right Source for rest, comfort, and peace (see Psalm 16:11). Since God instituted the idea of rest in the first place, adding purposeful periods of rest into our daily, weekly, and yearly lives is a key way to honor God’s pattern. These four principles can redirect you as to how to find soul refreshment!
Key principles that can lead you back to true rest:
- Rest from worry
- Rest from self-effort
- Rest for the right reasons
- Rest the right way