I’ve been struggling with feeling ugly physically. Because of it, I’ve made makeup an idol in my life and am so self-conscious about the way I look. I have been called ugly by guys and even some family members. When I look in the mirror, I don’t see someone who is beautiful or feminine. This struggle is affecting my relationship with the Lord, and I don’t know how to stop being so obsessed and insecure about the way I look.
Q&A: How to Share the Gospel at Work
I work an office job where I desire to be vocal about my faith in Christ, but I struggle with knowing what to say. What are some practical ways to start a conversation that can lead to sharing the Gospel?
Q&A: Preparing for Marriage
I desire to be married one day and I would love to know how I can be preparing now for that commitment. Any advice?
Q&A: Career
What do you think about jobs that aren’t necessarily “Christian”? Is it possible to live a set apart life for God and have a “regular” job? (Such as being an interior designer, photographer, nutritionist, etc.)
Cultivating Friendship
In the words that follow, we’ve asked two set apart women we admire to share their perspectives with you on the topic…