When I was sixteen, my brothers and I regularly visited residents at our local nursing home. Our favorite person to…
The Dangers of Shallow Living
When Eric and I first began traveling, speaking, writing, and discipling, I quickly realized that I wasn’t prepared…
Being Unashamed of the Gospel
I will never forget the moment when, as a young married couple, my husband and I were faced with an extremely…
Building a Lifestyle of Sacrificial Love
In 1890, Catherine Booth wrote, “It will be a happy day for England when Christian ladies transfer their attentions…
The Story of Elizabeth Fry
In 1813 a tall, slender Quaker woman named Elizabeth Fry went to the governor of Newgate Prison in London and asked,…
Living Honorably in a Crude World
Crude and crass behavior seems to be everywhere these days. With the standards of the culture sinking dismally lower and lower…
Who He Is
In my book, Authentic Beauty, I wrote about our tendency as women to look outside of Christ for our happiness and…
True Rescue Work
In recent decades liberal thinkers both in and out of the church have hijacked the concept of standing up on behalf…
Victory in Difficult Circumstances
Jackie Pullinger, a long-time missionary to China, spoke about sharing the Gospel with a woman who had been a…