I’ve seemed to continually face setbacks as I’ve pursued my dream career and just recently had to let go of my dreams entirely. Why would God allow this to happen?
Q&A: External Beauty
If all true beauty comes from within, can make-up, jewelry, & style still be a part of a set apart girl’s life?
Q&A: Prayer
My walk with God is faltering right now, especially in the prayer department. I need something to help get my prayer life going again, so I thought about trying to keep a prayer journal. I just have no clue how. How do you do that?
Q&A: Worship
My pastor told us that we need to worship God with our lives all the time, instead of just living from one experience where we feel very close to God to the next … my question to you is how. How do I live in complete worship to God every day? How do I worship Him in everything I do?
Q&A: Fantasy
After reading some Set Apart Girl articles about not meddling with darkness, I realized that you bring up the Twilight series rather frequently as an example. Since we are not supposed to have anything to do with the occult and things of darkness such as witchcraft … can we read about mythical creatures in fantasy-based books?
Q&A: Insecure About My Appearance
I’ve been struggling with feeling ugly physically. Because of it, I’ve made makeup an idol in my life and am so self-conscious about the way I look. I have been called ugly by guys and even some family members. When I look in the mirror, I don’t see someone who is beautiful or feminine. This struggle is affecting my relationship with the Lord, and I don’t know how to stop being so obsessed and insecure about the way I look.