After reading some Set Apart Girl articles about not meddling with darkness, I realized that you bring up the Twilight series rather frequently as an example. Since we are not supposed to have anything to do with the occult and things of darkness such as witchcraft … can we read about mythical creatures in fantasy-based books?
answered by: Mandy s. | Pennsylvania, USA

From the dressing room to the dinner table, my mom shared the same counsel often: “When in doubt, don’t.” Being one who can linger on decisions, these simple words have stuck with me through many choices I’ve had to make over the years.
From what you’ve said, it sounds like you have a foundational understanding of the importance as a follower of Christ to not blend our lives with things of darkness. In light of your understanding of the Truth, you are beginning to question whether or not you should partake of an area that is now seemingly grey. I would ask you, why are you uncertain? Is the reason you are hesitating to participate because of what God has revealed to you through His Word?
If so, then why hesitate? The only real option is to obey what God has laid before you. Hesitation would only prove a sagging confidence in what God has spoken to your heart. When God speaks there is clarity, and clarity calls for a sound decision made in strong-standing faith. So take your stand, and that with great joy!
The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin.
Romans 14:22-23 NASB

answered by: Jess W. | Colorado, USA
As an avid reader growing up, with a particular bent towards the fantasy realm, I would spend hours devouring riveting tales of some escapade or another. Looking back, I can see that most of these stories weren’t honorable and didn’t point me to Christ. Because I was more focused on the fantasy worlds than where the the Lord had placed me, I missed out on the greater adventure that is found by walking with Christ. I believe that our God is the One who created our love for tales of beauty and noble heroism because we can find a perfect picture of those things in a relationship with Jesus. If you find you are reading fantasy books because you long to be part of a great adventure, ask Him to show you how He is crafting an even grander story in your own life. Trust me, the God who created the universe in all its vast glory and who wrote the most epic love story of all can certainly give you the zest for the adventure in your own life — whether you be living in a jungle mission field or babysitting your siblings.
Note: I have been pleased to discover that there are some fantasy books out there that are allegorical in nature and truly do cause me to think about Jesus and to ponder His truth as I am reading.