I’ve seemed to continually face setbacks as I’ve pursued my dream career and just recently had to let go of my dreams entirely. Why would God allow this to happen?

answered by: Mikaela P. | Australia
I have made many future plans that haven’t worked out, even great plans that further God’s Kingdom, like ministry opportunities. It can be hard to understand why they don’t work out at the time, but I am confident every time that God has something else planned to draw me even closer to Himself. My life is no longer my own but lived for His glory alone, so I must remember to continually lay all of my plans, desires, and dreams at His feet. His plans are more perfect and wonderful than my own, and He is trustworthy to hold my every decision and dream.
So often I have tried running ahead and filling the future with plans, but when I rest in Christ with patience, trust, and faith, that is when I find joy, comfort, and peace in Him. Even in the seasons where I have been in the uncomfortable unknown of silence from God on what is next, He has been faithful to show me what is next at the perfect time. When His plans or timing make us uncomfortable, we must be willing to listen and say yes — no matter what He calls us to, for His plans truly are perfect! He has been so trustworthy and faithful to lead my life, and I know He will do the same in your life.

answered by mandy saeler | CO, USA
When my hopes have been deferred, I’ve often been comforted by God’s promise that He will withhold no good thing from me. Psalm 84:11b says, “No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly.” In times of disappointment, I’ve had to remember that if what I had hoped for was what He knew was “good” for me, He would certainly give it! When He doesn’t, I can take heart and rejoice because I know that He holds something even better that fits His definition of “good” for me. Even in the midst of what has felt like loss, I’ve been comforted and cheered as I’ve embraced this promise.
I’d encourage you to reflect on this journey of pursuing your dream, and evaluate where the Lord has been in the process. Perhaps you’ve faithfully committed this dream to Him every step of the way, or perhaps He has faded into the background as you’ve pursued this dream. No matter where your heart has been through the process, the best “next step” is to surrender to the Lord afresh. Remember that you are entrusting everything into the hands of Him who has promised to work all things into good for you (Rom. 8:28), guide your ways as you commit them to Him (Prov. 3:5-6), withhold no good thing from you (Ps. 84:11), and carefully watch over you (Ps. 32:8).
The anxiety and emotional turmoil that you’ve felt in the uncertainty of this season will quietly melt away as you yield to Him and trust Him. Though you may have questions that you don’t seem to have clear-cut answers to, as you yield to Him — embracing His promises and seeking His direction for your life — you will find the fulfilling path He created you to walk. You will discover the good works He has prepared for you, and the “good” that His fatherly heart delights to give you.