Leslie continues her Christ-Centered Mentoring series with this episode on handling criticism and personal attack in a Biblical, Christ-honoring way…
eternal perspective
244: Never Give Up – Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 12
Leslie continues her series on Christ-Centered Mentoring with an encouraging message about never giving up even during discouraging…
243: Spiritual Warfare in Mentoring – Christ-Centered Mentoring, Part 11
This week Leslie continues her Christ-Centered Mentoring series, with this practical episode on spiritual warfare in ministry…
155: True Ministry, Part 1
What does it mean to truly impact the Kingdom of Heaven in a meaningful, eternal way?
Glad Tidings
Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.Luke 2:11 Each year and…
Keeping the Holidays Holy
It was Christmas Eve, and I was eight years old. Our house was completely dark except for the…
21: Living with an Eternal Focus
If we could ask the Christian heroines of yesteryear what woke them up in the morning, they would simply reply, “Jesus Christ.”
Becoming His Hands and Feet
The chapel was vacant and dark. Hudson, my four-year-old son, ran happily around the big empty room as a small group…
Purposeful Femininity
Eric and I had been in full-time ministry for several years when the bait of idleness began to call my name. Ministry…