My fingers glided over the small, wooden jewelry box, tracing the cluster of painted florals that graced the top. I noticed one of the hinges was broken, but that didn’t stop me from gingerly lifting the lid to peek inside to see what treasures lay within.
Battle With the Word
My body had been sounding an alarm that something was seriously off, and my symptoms were growing increasingly strange. What began as a small rash had grown into an unsettling set of problems: numbness in my toes, tingling in my hands and feet, sharp and quick bursts of nerve pain throughout my body — it felt like my nervous system had been turned up to high. While laying down, my heart would pound and I felt like I was breathing through a filter.
Even in the Small Things
My anxiety was rising as I rifled through every possible place I could think of. After two days of searching, I was still coming up empty-handed. I dug around in the garage, in my junk drawer, in the pile of hardware, in the purse I had worn to the store to measure for a new hinge … everywhere I could think of.
Desperate for Him
I had reached a breaking point. I felt spent, desperate even. Both my body and soul were at a point of exhaustion. How much longer, Lord?, I cried within.
Five Keys to Answered Prayer
A number of years ago, I was invited to speak on a radio program for Christian mothers. When I began to talk about prayer being one of our most important motherhood tools, the host stopped me short. “Prayer is great, but it’s not a very practical solution to our daily problems,” she countered.
Wrestling Till Daybreak
I sat up in bed, kicking off the covers in frustration as another violent coughing fit shook me. It was well past midnight, and I had been tossing and turning for over two hours, unable to sleep because of the extreme congestion in my head and chest. Eric was lying awake as well, staring at the ceiling, unable to get any rest because of all my coughing.
273 – Surrendering Bitterness – A Biblical Mindset, Part 24
Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with a Scriptural look at what it means to surrender bitterness to God. When we have been wounded…
272 – Overcoming Chaos – A Biblical Mindset, Part 23
Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series with this practical and Biblical look at exchanging chaos for order and peace…
271 – Anxiety, Part 2 – A Biblical Mindset, Part 22
Leslie continues her Biblical mindset series with this practical and powerful episode on overcoming anxiety. Sharing two key principles from…