I poured the hot, bubbling water over the tea bag and wrapped the string around the handle of the mug. As I did, I…
13: The Shaping of a Set Apart Woman
In this powerful and practical episode, Leslie shares five qualities that are a must in the makeup of a set apart woman…
The Lost Art of Godly Discernment
Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw the disciples after themselves. …
Reflecting His Radiance
I sat nervously among a small group of other teen girls, gazing at a gorgeous, slender blonde as she took her place…
Why I Don’t Want to Marry a Church Girl
I Have a Secret Confession. I’ve thought a lot about it over the years and need to get it out in the open. Once you…
The Beauty of True Set-Apartness
I sat up groggily as the alarm clock beeped, groaning at the unwelcome intrusion into my comfortable sleep. Rubbing…
The World-Changing Impact of Set Apart Living
The August sun beat down mercilessly as thousands of giddy teenagers hurried to find the best patch of grass in the huge field-turned-outdoor-amphitheater…
Incorruptible Beauty
The bus felt hot and stuffy as it jolted noisily down the road. I gripped my backpack and stared out the window, trying to ignore the raucous behavior of the pre-adolescents…
A Narrow Road
When I was eighteen, I read a book* that became a defining influence upon my life. It was a biography written by…