Question One – Are purity commitments pointless or even harmful? Why do purity commitments so often fail…
waiting for a love story
Reflections on the Purity Movement
Purity. It’s a simple word, but one that often triggers intense emotion and controversy…
All His
“Girl, you are in the prime of your life! Why are you spending your best years raising someone else’s children, hidden away in a third-world country?”
Q&A: Purposeful Single Years
I’ve often struggled with discontentment in my singleness. People have told me I should…
Q&A: Waiting on God’s Timing
There is a godly young man who appears to be pursuing me. He has not yet said anything outright about a relationship, but I would be naive to not think that he is likely interested in more than friendship. It seems like my job right now is to wait on God and allow him to take the next step. How can I make Jesus the center of this situation and not end up spending a lot of energy that I could put toward Jesus and other things?
108: Keys to Romantic Fulfillment
Valentine’s Day can be difficult if you’re single…
Keys to a Christ-Centered Love Story
In the years since When God Writes Your Love Story was released, many Christians have responded enthusiastically to…
Christ Built or Counterfeit?
I clearly remember the night, at around twelve years old, when I first witnessed a scene that broke my heart over the…
Contentment in Singleness
Those who look to Him are radiant and their faces shall never be ashamed. Psalm 34:5 (ESV) For most modern women…