Discouragement can easily follow on the heels of seemingly constant bad news. It’s time to show that we believe the promises of God by getting on our knees in history-shaping prayer…
Devotional Life
162: Staying Strong in Uncertainty
As a lot of us have felt shaken by the events of the world, this week Leslie Ludy shares timely truth on biblical keys to staying strong and immovable amidst unstable times…
161: Radical Devotion to Jesus Christ, Part One
What does it mean to give yourself fully and completely to the purposes of Jesus Christ?
158: The Power of the Cross
How do we apply what Jesus purchased for us on the Cross to the struggles and difficulties we face today?
154: Knowing God’s Voice
How do we keep from getting the voice of our own thoughts confused with the voice of our Heavenly Shepherd who has promised to lead and guide us in the way we should go?
153: Gaining Discernment
With chaos and confusion plunging our world into turmoil, there is a desperate need for Christians to gain the lost art of godly discernment so that we know how to sift through the popular messages being presented to us today…